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To Touch Or Not To Touch

Touch has the power to make two people feel connected, and that they have known each other far longer than they have.

Something as simple as a knee point (demonstrated in the video) is a great way to establish this kind of connection, without the risk of coming across as too sexual.

Seduction is not about being overtly sexual. Less is more here.

You just need a few small moments to build a connection with someone.

This is another simple element that so many people forget when going on dates, and the way that you greet someone on a date can dictate the tone that makes or breaks the date.

Getting in touches early on allows for a much more natural progression to the physical stages. When you go on a date, taking things forward to a kiss, or even just saying ‘goodbye’ can become incredibly awkward if it’s the first time that you’re trying to build the physical connection between you.

If you’ve been playfully touching all along, it becomes the natural next step.

Make sure when sitting down that you’re side by side, rather than across the table. Doing so stops things feeling like an interview, and makes it much easier to build a physical connection.

If you want to learn to taking things to the next level with touch, and how to invite a guy to get physical with you, sign up for my online programme to get access to the rest of this video. In it I show you how to get him to lead things to moments of great intimacy, and how to show your interest early on without losing your power.